Vicky's India Blog

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The hotel's server was down for almost 2 days, so I wasn't able to blog yesterday. It was a day immersed in yoga from 7 am to 8 pm.
Today was our last full day in India. We leave tomorrow. At the start, 27 days away from home, especially in a land such as India, seemed overwhelming. Now it seems to have gone by so quickly. There are feelings of excitement to be going home, and yet, a melancholy at leaving a place that has had such a dramatic impact on me.
We leave Pune tomorrow at 3 pm (5:30 am in Ohio) by car to Mumbai, which is a 4 hour drive. Our plane leaves Mumbai at around 11:00 pm (1:30 pm in Ohio), which is a 15 hour flight to Newark. Your prayers and thoughts as we make this long journey home will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I often discuss the term "paksa pratipaksa" in class which means "the opposite way" or "going against the current". Traffic in India is the epitome of paksa pratipaksa.

We did some sight seeing today on our day off from yoga. Visited some caves, a temple and the Ghandi museum. Some of the sites were over 1200 years old.

This is part of the Pataleshwar Caves, that are hewn out of solid rock.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

There has been two days in a row with no rain which is unusual for this time of year. Finished our third week of classes and are heading home next week. We're a little homesick. We miss our family and friends and all the comforts of home we took for granted.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Today we started backbends. During class we did about 10 Urdhva Dhanurasanas (full push up backbend) in a row during the class.

Naana the rickshaw driver took us shopping this afternoon and I bought some more jewelry and other items. Things are so inexpensive.

This a cobbler who sits in cobbler's pose all day fixing shoes at an intersection near our hotel.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I think I have the asthma under control. Feel alot better today.
Received an email from the U.S. Embassy to avoid certain areas of New Delhi. Around here it's relatively quiet, although today we did hear some protestors from the windows of the Institute. The consensus here is that it's nothing to worry about.
I passed Mr. Iyengar in a hallway as he was leaving the library today. I smiled. He smiled back and said hello. It was an unbelievable moment for me. To have traveled halfway across the world and meet him face-to-face....

These are two of my friends from the states and two from Iran.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The humidity and pollution has finally caught up with me. My asthma flared up over the weekend and got particularly bad yesterday. I'm taking medication and hoping I can get it under control.
There were mass demonstrations yesterday in various parts of India due to the arrest of a well known political activist. The government relented and released him late last night, and we hope the unrest subsides.
So yesterday was not a good day.
Today's class with Abhijata and the master was outstanding. Due to Monday's holiday and short week, they didn't introduce backbends yet. They stayed with forward bends and twists, and added some hip work, much to my delight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today we begin our third week of classes. This week will focus on backbends.

The monsoon season makes for some spectacular foliage.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Today is Independence Day in India. It's the celebration of their independence from Great Britain in 1947.

No yoga classes today. However, one of the teachers at the Institute, Gulnaz Dashti, invited about 10 of us to her new studio in Pune. Gulnaz has been studying with Mr. Iyengar for over 20 years. She gave us an hour class and then provided breakfast. It was nice to have a small class and get some individual attention.

She has a great disposition and is always smiling.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today was our day off from yoga, so the friends I spoke of in my August 7th blog took us to a resort in the mountains called Lavasa. It's up 2,000 feet and has spectacular views. However, the drive up and down the mountain is scary as you serpentine your way on a road crowded with people, cars, motorcycles, water buffalo, goats, dogs and everything else you can imagine. And no guardrails!
This is a photo of Vicky and Tara in the restaurant at the resort.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

We've finished our second week of classes, which is forward bends and twists. The intensity of the classes builds throughout the week, so the last class is challenging. In my class we did variations of Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana and Parivrtta Upavista Konasana for an hour, which we started right at the beginning of class.
This afternoon, Geeta Bhojwani (the lady mentioned in my blog of Aug. 10th) took us to her vacation home about 45 minutes west of Pune. The drive there was harrowing, but it was worth it. Her place sits up on a hill with manificent views of a lake and mountains.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Had a very tough 2 hour forward bend class today. The last classes of the week are tomorrow. Sunday is the regular off day and Monday is a national holiday here, so no classes til Tuesday.

This afternoon we made contact with a rickshaw driver that most foreigners use because he speaks fluent English. His name is Naana. He took us on a little sight seeing and shopping.

This is a photo from the rickshaw, which gives you an idea of the traffic.

And a photo of an elephant we passed on the way.

This world continues to amaze us.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Had our usual 3 hour practice session this morning. The evening class was pranayama, which is the yogic use of breathing techniques to clear and cleanse the mind and body. The teacher tonight was Rajlaxmi, a regular instructor here at the Institute and a medical doctor. You leave the class with feelings of calmness and serenity.

We had a nice dinner with two other students tonight, one from Greece and the other from Israel. We've met people from all over the world, even a lady from Iran today, and we're impressed that all of them can speak at least some English, and many speak it fluently.

This is a picture of some boys playing football (soccer) in a field near our hotel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The yoga is very challenging at times, with 10 minute headstands and 20 minute shoulder stands common. But the instruction is outstanding and will provide me with much to share with my students.
After the morning session today, we went to the home and shop of Geeta Bhojwani. She has known the Iyengars for many years and through word of mouth has become the go-to person for yogis and yoginis to buy authentic Indian crafts, artifacts, clothing, jewelry and other unique gifts. Her and her husband's hospitality and friendliness are unbelievable. She had her driver pick us up at the hotel and served us a delicious lunch which included a dessert called gulab jamun. It's a doughnut type ball in a sweet syrup. Tom and I agreed it was one of the best desserts we've ever had. We then spent a long time going through her shop. I bought many items. It was a wonderful afternoon and gave us a respite from the demands of the Institute.
This is a photo of Geeta and me. What a special person!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nothing unusual today. Tom and I each had our classes and we did more yoga during the daily practice session. Was very cool to see the 93 year old Mr. Iyengar in a headstand.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I had another class with Prashant this morning. His approach is somewhat different from the other teachers in that he pauses between each pose and has us gather around as he discusses yoga philosophy. Today he was saying that we shouldn't be so bound to the exact details of every part of every pose, but rather, should experiment. Yoga and life, he says, is about search and experimentation.

This is me at our local "grocery store".


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Today was our off day from yoga. So we made contact with the parents of one of my students at Oberlin College, who live in Pune. We wanted to do some shopping so they took us to Laxmi Road. The streets are packed with "hawkers" pedaling their wares. Clothing, jewelry and Indian handicrafts are in abundance, with vendors competing for the best sale. It is one of the most crowded streets in Pune, so we were very fortunate to have our friends with us as they were able to direct us around and interpret and negoatiate for us. It was a little overwhelming, but still a wonderful experience.
Tomorrow we begin week two of our studies.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Despite all the unpleasant things to see here, there is also much beauty. This is a park near the Institute that Tom and I walked through today.

We've finished our first week of yoga. Sunday is an off day. We start fresh with week 2 on Monday. The first week was primarily standing poses. Week 2 will be twists and forward bends.

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's the monsoon season here, so it rains every day. Not pouring rain, just light showers for the most part. It makes for cooler temps (high 70's to low 80's) and less pollution. However, our walks to the Institute and elsewhere involve avoiding puddles and mud. So we have to clean our shoes and feet often.
Get a load of Tom in the do-rag.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mr. Iyengar was practicing yoga again today with us in the pratice hall. He holds his poses for very long periods of time. For example, today he stayed in padmasana (lotus pose) for about an hour. For all of you challenged by hip poses, I hope this inspires you.
This afternoon we went down to the library at the Institute. Guruji was there working on his latest book. He continues to amaze me.

This is a photo of a street and market area near our hotel we often visit.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today I had a class with Abhijata, Mr. Iyengar's granddaughter. Mr. Iyengar was in the room the entire time giving her suggestions and commands, so it was like getting a class from the master himself. I still can't get over seeing him around and about the Institute every day.
The funniest thing happened today. Tom darted out trying to cross the street, and then darted back to avoid being hit. As I may have said earlier, traffic is unbelievable with motorcycles, scooters, bikes, cars, buses, and rickshaws (3 wheeled motorized open air cabs) everywhere. No traffic laws are followed, there are no crosswalks, and you're taking your life into your own hands to cross the street. A middle aged Indian man took Tom by the hand and said he'd show him how to cross. He said, "Don't run, walk. The drivers will gauge your pace and won't hit you". The man held Tom's hand and Tom held mine and, sure enough, we safely crossed. But it takes some nerve.
For dinner we were ready for some western food, so we found an Itallian restaurant near the Institute and had wood oven pizza. Two friends of mine from the states joined us, Carol from South Carolina and Chris from Atlanta. The photo is of the three of us.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Had a great day at the Institute. Went to a practice session in the morning. Mr. Iyengar came in twice during the 3 hour session to do some yoga. Most memorable was his supported backbend with a stopwatch cradled in his hands. All the difficulties in traveling and living here are worth it when I'm at the Institute. Had a class this evening with Prashant, Mr. Iyengar's son. It was a great class with a focus on the integration of body, mind and breath. A more mental than physical concentration in the class. He has a great sense of humor. Tomorrow, I have a class with Abhajata, Mr. Iyengar's granddaughter.
Tom had an intermediate class with Rajlaksmi, who is also a medical doctor. He thought the class was great.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What a difference a good night's sleep can make. Tom and I got up this morning, had breakfast and walked to the Institute. The first step is to check-in at the office. There were about 10 of us filling out the registration form, when B.K.S. Iyengar walked into the room and sat down at table near us. He has quite a presence and we were in awe. At 93 years of age, he stills appears healthy and active. He stayed and chatted for a few minutes and then left us to Pandu, who handles registration and determines which classes you will take. I was very fortunate, as he assigned me to the advanced evening classes which will be taught primarily by Geeta Iyengar. My first class will be tomorrow. Tom was assigned to intermediate public classes, but he is allowed to practice with the certified teachers in the hall from 9am - 12pm each day.